Yaping Zhao

Ph.D. Candidate at HKU
Email: zhaoyp18 (at) tsinghua.org.cn
GitHub | Google Scholar | ResearchGate

Selected Projects

(#Co-first Author  *Corresponding Author)

AAAI 2023 (Acceptance Rate 19.6%)
Deep Equilibrium Models for Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging
Y. Zhao, S. Zheng, X. Yuan
paper | code | Mathematical Cookbook
reported by QbitAI, IntelligentOptics
video presentation on YouTube, Bilibili (English, Chinese, Cantonese)

SASA: Saliency-Aware Self-Adaptive Snapshot Compressive Imaging
Y. Zhao, E. Y. Lam
paper | code

Cross-Camera Human Motion Transfer by Time Series Analysis
Y. Zhao, G. Li, E. Y. Lam
paper | code

ICIP 2023
Point Cloud Denoising via Momentum Ascent in Gradient Fields
Y. Zhao, H. Zheng, Z. Wang, J. Luo, E. Y. Lam
paper | code | video presentation on YouTube, Bilibili

ICIP 2023
Improving Video Colorization by Test-Time Tuning
Y. Zhao, H. Zheng, J. Luo, E. Y. Lam
paper | code | video presentation on YouTube, Bilibili

ICIP 2022
MANet: Improving Video Denoising with a Multi-Alignment Network
Y. Zhao, H. Zheng, Z. Wang, J. Luo, E. Y. Lam
paper | code | reported by IntelligentOptics
video presentation on YouTube, Bilibili

DSAA 2023 (Acceptance Rate 26.1%)
Adaptive Compressed Sensing for Real-Time Video Compression, Transmission, and Reconstruction
Y. Zhao, Q. Zeng, E. Y. Lam
paper | code

DSAA 2023 (Acceptance Rate 26.1%)
Solving Inverse Problems in Compressive Imaging with Score-Based Generative Models
Z. Y. Chong, #*Y. Zhao, Z. Wang, E. Y. Lam
paper | code

CICAI 2022 (Oral Presentation, Acceptance Rate 3.8%)
Cross-Camera Deep Colorization
Y. Zhao, H. Zheng, M. Ji, R. Huang
paper | code
video presentation on YouTube, Bilibili

DSAA 2022 (Acceptance Rate 22.5%)
Large-Scale Traffic Congestion Prediction based on Multimodal Fusion and Representation Mapping
B. Zhou, J. Liu, S. Cui, *Y. Zhao
paper | dataset | code

DSAA 2022 (Acceptance Rate 22.5%)
Improving Source Localization by Perturbing Graph Diffusion
Y. Zhao, Z. Wang, E. Y. Lam
paper | code

Mathematical Cookbook for Snapshot Compressive Imaging (working, unfinished)
*Y. Zhao

DSAA 2022 (Acceptance Rate 22.5%)
H4M: Heterogeneous, Multi-source, Multi-modal, Multi-view and Multi-distributional Dataset for Socioeconomic Analytics in Case of Beijing
Y. Zhao, S. Shi, R. Ravi, Z. Wang, E. Y. Lam, J. Zhao
paper | dataset
video presentation on YouTube, Bilibili

DSAA 2022 (Acceptance Rate 22.5%)
PATE: Property, Amenities, Traffic and Emotions Coming Together for Real Estate Price Prediction
Y. Zhao, R. Ravi, S. Shi, Z. Wang, E. Y. Lam, J. Zhao
paper | dataset | code
video presentation on YouTube, Bilibili

CICAI 2021
EFENet: Reference-based Video Super-Resolution with Enhanced Flow Estimation
Y. Zhao, M. Ji, R. Huang, B. Wang, S. Wang
paper | code

SPIE Proceedings 2021
Revisit Dictionary Learning for Video Compressive Sensing under the Plug-and-Play Framework
Q. Yang, #Y. Zhao

ICIP 2020
Zoom in to the Details of Human-centric Videos
G. Li, Y. Zhao, M. Ji, X. Yuan, L. Fang

A Real Estate Data Visualization System based on Multi-source Heterogeneous Data
Y. Zhao, J. Zhao, H. Sheng

Rejected Papers

9. Y. Zhao et al., "SASA: Saliency-Aware Self-Adaptive Snapshot Compressive Imaging", rejected by IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2023. Later accepted to ICASSP 2024.
8. Y. Zhao et al., "Cross-Camera Human Motion Transfer by Time Series Analysis", rejected by IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), 2022. Later accepted to ICASSP 2024.
7. Y. Zhao et al., "Point Cloud Denoising via Momentum Ascent in Gradient Fields", rejected by Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2022. Later accepted to ICIP 2023.
6. Y. Zhao et al., "Point Cloud Denoising via Momentum Ascent in Gradient Fields", rejected by IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2022. Later submitted to ACCV 2022.
5. Y. Zhao et al., "Deep Equilibrium Models for Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging", rejected by European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022. Later accepted to AAAI 2023.
4. Y. Zhao et al., "Deep Equilibrium Models for Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging", rejected by IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR) 2022. Later submitted to ECCV 2022.
3. Y. Zhao et al., "Cross-Camera Deep Colorization", rejected by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2022. Later accepted to CICAI 2022.
2. Y. Zhao et al., "Cross-Camera Deep Colorization", rejected by IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2021. Later submitted to TIP.
1. Y. Zhao et al., "Cross-Camera Deep Colorization", rejected by ACM Multimedia, 2020. Later submitted to WACV 2021.